Friday, January 31, 2014

Current Obsessions, vol. 1:

^This is exactly how I operate.

My obsessions come about quickly and sometimes get out of control. The good news is they change almost weekly, (this is especially the case with music) so things stay pretty interesting.

I thought I'd share some of my current loves with you, so you can jump on the crazy train with me, and we can obsess together.

(1) Kanye West's Black Skinhead

I already know how you feel about Kanye. I can't sit through an interview either. Dude is seriously full of himself.

But I still really love his music.

This song is on replay on my phone. I like to blast it when I'm by myself and rock my interpretive dance moves. It's very tribal. My favorite part is when he shouts "ahhh" after the bridge. Plus, I very much wish I could "black out on someone's ass," so there's that.

(2) Mei Lun and Mei Huan, the adorable twin baby pandas at the Atlanta Zoo

I am OBSESSED with these pandas. Are they not the cutest things you've ever seen in your whole entire life?

If you say "no," you have no soul.

I look at their pictures every single day, and I follow Zoo Atlanta on Instagram just so I can keep up their daily growth and development.

(3) The Rhonna Designs App

This is one of my very favorite apps on my Iphone. Its how you take your pictures from this:
To this:

Cute, eh? 

I play with it aaaalll the time. I think its free right now in the app store, but if not, its totally worth the $1.25. 

(4) Impractical Jokers 

Does anyone ever watch this show? 

A surprising amount of people have never heard of it. 

My family and I keep episodes on our DVR, and we watch them all the time. Its my favorite show to watch with people. And I really love that its not mean humor, because nice people are just better. 

As with anything on youtube, the more you watch, the more funny the clips get, but this is one of my favorites from the show. 

Preeeetttttyyy funny.

So what y'all got? Any "must have" media/products/mania I need to look into?

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