[Warning: No real spoilers to follow, but if you're behind on your Sons of Anarchy, you may want to wait to formulate your own opinions before getting jaded by mine...]
Anyone still with me??
Ok, so... I watch a lot of TV.
like A.LOT.
It's kinda embarrassing. Blame it on the lack of employment if you will, but I just really love good TV. If this blog thing keeps up, my obsessions are bound to carry over in to it, and you're going to see a lot of these types of posts appear here.
I was late to the Sons of Anarchy party. A show about middle-aged bikers and their motorcycle club did not sound like my kind of thing. But I gave it a try, and I liked it. Okay, mostly at first I just liked Charlie Hunnam. Any girl that watches that show and tells you she doesn't like him is LYING. Greasy hair be damned.
(Sidenote: I'd never head his name before the 50 Shades of Grey casting, and when I found out he had been cast, I was one of those annoying people that just could not get on board. Now, after watching him on this show... well, girls, we were wrong.)
Back to the show, I'm not going to lie and say it's the best in the world, because it has a lot of inherent problems. Mainly, it's gratuitous for the sake of being gratuitous, and the violence has become more of a shock factor instead of being used to power the story along. It's sad, because what could be really great TV comes off only being sub-par. Oddly enough, that doesn't make me love it any less. And I will say, this show is one of the best I've seen at ending the episode on an "oh my god! no she didddn't!" cliffhanger.
Case in point: the season 6 finale. It originally aired in December, but I just watched it a few nights ago. The ending has been in my head all week long, and if you watch the show, I think it's safe to say I'm sure it's stuck around with you, too.
If you happened to catch the title of the post (or the giant picture of Katey Sagal under it) then you already know where I'm going.
I freaking hate Gemma Teller.
To the point where I'm going to be totally unsatisfied with the entire series if she doesn't get the major comeuppance she's due.
When the show started out, Gemma was my favorite character. I liked that she was the main female lead in a very testosterone driven world and that she handled her business like a boss. (When she pointed that pistol at the soccer mom who refused to stop honking for her spot in season 2, I was convinced I was looking at future Katie post-menopause.)
I'm not sure when it happened, but at some point I developed a burning rage of hate every time Gemma's face came across my screen.
Here's my issue: Gemma is, in my mind, the most horrific character on the show. Heck, I'd even call her the most horrific character on TV if Game of Thrones and it's twisted little characters didn't exist. (I'm looking at you, Joffrey.) My problem is that I don't think we, the audience, are supposed to feel that way. I'm scared the writers are trying to make Gemma this very confused and sad person who acts on impulse, but it's totally okay, because her insanity comes from a very deep place of loyalty to the club and her family.
Well, I'm not buying it sista'!
Gemma is evil. Villain to the core. And I don't think there's anything Kurt Sutter can do to make me feel any different. I want it on record here and now that if the writers try to make Gemma redeemable in the final season airing in the fall, I'm going to have a come apart! Girl is too far gone.
I would like to make a motion now that Gemma meets Mr. Mayhem as soon as can possibly take place. I know they'll drag it out. The show probably can't sustain itself without the acting prowess of Katey Sagal. But at some point, before this series is over, crazy lady better be dead.
Any takers?
I quit watching after season 4. Jax is turning into what he was trying not to become and I hate Gemma as well. I heard about the finale though. You know that her husband (in real life) is Kurt Sutter, she ain't going anywhere. Follow him on twitter, he's got real issues anyway…haha