Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Dear Brittany,

Que the blog lovin' love fest:

I woke up to the *best* surprise this morning- a text from the most authentically hysterical person I know telling me that she had written about MY blog on HER blog.

I jumped out of bed and couldn't wait to see it. There's nothing I love reading about more than myself.

Here are her sweet words:

Y'all... Words of Affirmation are my love language, so you don't even know what something like this does to my psyche. Plus, I am always genuinely floored when people find me funny. I mean, I think I'm funny, but everyone thinks that about themselves. So to receive something like this, where a FUNNY person thinks you're funny... its like Tina Fey and Amy Poehler asking you to be their best friend. 

Day. Made. 

(And Yeah, I used the word "funny" four times in that paragraph. *funny* *funny* *funny* My blog. House rules. Nothing you can do about it.) 

But let's just clear this up now, my "situation" (which sounds a lot nicer than the profanity I normally use) is nothing like Lena Dunham's character from Girls. I mean, I enjoy a good Girls viewing as much as the next person, (that sounds wrong) but to be straight, Girls is a show with #whitepeopleproblems. And I have never once gotten a Q-tip stuck in my ear. 

I think my current state of affairs is a lot more Will Smith in the Pursuit of Happiness. There really are only three major differences separating me from the former fresh prince... 

(1) I have nice people who take me in. 

My family houses and feeds me. They're good people a lot of the time, but mostly I think they just like having someone at home to let the dog out to pee. 

(2) I don't have a cute kid to tow around. 

Some people might see this as a win, because Will Smith probably would have been a lot less stressed in that movie if he didn't have a second mouth to feed. But the truth is people with kids get all the empathy. 

People just like them more. 

Maybe its because they're a safer bet than people who haven't reproduced. Someone with a child obviously found at least one other person who thought they were okay enough to spawn offspring with. Meanwhile all of us who haven't taken the old reproductive system for a spin are totally alone with our crazy. People don't trust that there's no one out there who thought we were stable enough to make babies with. 

I'm not saying this theory is 100% accurate, I'm just saying how many of those 45 year old baristas working at Starbucks do you think have children? I'm convinced we all would have jobs/*better* jobs if we had regular play dates at the park. 

(3) I can't solve a Rubik's Cube. 

Aaaand that's it. In every other way I am exactly like Will Smith in that movie. 

Also, can I just say that real life Lena Dunham grosses me out. I don't mind that you're always naked, but do you have to be on a public toilet eating cake while you're doing it? 

There's really just no excuse for ever sitting on a public toilet, no matter how ironically cool you're trying to prove you are. 

In summary, Brittany Gay, eeer, *Land* (I'll never get that right) is the best. I never would have made a blog if it wasn't for her trailblazing. If you're going to read just one blog post today (other than the one you're currently reading) it should be this one: http://brittanygayland.blogspot.com/2014/01/a-little-personalwarning-tmi.html. I read it every other day, and it never gets old. 

Love you, B!

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